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Curriculum Vitae - Ronit Kark

Personal Data

Department of Psychology and the Graduate Gender Studies Program at Bar-Ilan University

The Leadership Quarterly, Associate Editor
International Journal of management Reviews, Consulting Editor

Psychological Frontiers, Review Editor

WIF - Women In the Films, Board Member
Studio of Her Own, Founding and Counsulting Committee

Ofek - The Israeli Association for the Study of Groups and Organizational Processes, Board Member


Year                 Degree                               Institution

1991                B.A./B.Sc.                           In Biology and Psychology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (with distinction, magna cum laude).


1994                                                           Acceptance to “Direct Ph.D.” track (for excellent students).


1995                M.A.                                    Majoring in Social and Organizational Psychology, Department of Psychology,
                                                                   The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (with distinction, magna cum laude).


2001                Ph.D.                                  Department of Psychology, Social and Organizational Psychology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem


2000-2001       Postdoctoral studies          Visiting Scholar, The Institute for Research on Women and Gender and The Business School,
                                                                   The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Michigan, USA.


2007                                                           Visiting Scholar, The Business School and the Department of Psychology,
                                                                   University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.


2010                                                           Visiting Scholar, NYU and Yale University, USA.


2014                                                           Visiting Scholar, The UQ Business School and the Department of Psychology,
                                                                   University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.


2014                                                           Visiting Scholar,

                                                                   - Management and Organization Department at Boston College, Boston.

                                                                   - Center for Gender in Organizations (CGO),

                                                                   Simmons School of Management, Boston.



Gender Differences in Transformational Leadership, Followers’ Identifications, and Effects on Followers’ Perceptions


SUPERVISOR:       Prof. Boas Shamir

Academic Appointments/Affiliations

Year                       Appointment

1996-2000             Teaching Fellow, School of Business Administration,
                              The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

1998-2000             Teaching Fellow, Graduate School of Public Policy and Public Administration,
                              The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

2000-2001             Visiting Scholar, Department of Psychology, University of Michigan,
                              Ann Arbor, MI, USA

2002-2007             Lecturer, Department of Psychology and Department of Sociology and Anthropology,                               Bar-Ilan University, Israel


2004-to date          Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, Teaching Fellow, Gender in  the Field,
                               The Graduate Program for Women Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Israel


2007-to date          Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Bar-Ilan University, Israel


2014-to date          Affiliate Scholar, Center for Gender in Organizations (CGO),

                              Simmons School of Management, Boston.

2015- to date         Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Bar-Ilan University, Israel

Professional Functions: Memberships

1992-1993             Practical experience in organizational consulting in G.R. Consulting Firm, Tel-Aviv;                                               under the supervision of the Department of Psychology, The Hebrew University.

1992-1993             Group facilitation training course (a 16 month training course, meeting one full day
                              a week), The Military Educational Academy, Israel Defense Forces

1993-1995             Group Facilitator, The Military Educational Academy, Har-Gilo, (part-time employment).

1994-1996             Organizational Consultant and Group Facilitator, The School for Leadership Development,                                   IDF (part-time employment).

1995-1996             Organizational Consultant, Zofnat: Institute for Research and Organizational Consulting,                                       Jerusalem (part-time employment).

1996-1999             Research, evaluation and organizational consultancy. Breaking the Glass Ceiling Program,                                 the Division for Development of Human Resources of the American Jewish Joint Distribution                               Committee (JDC) (part-time employment).

2001-2002             Group Facilitator, Training and Leadership development training for the Deputies                                                 responsible for Gender Issues of the Israeli Municipalities.
                              The Center for Local Governance (part time).

1996- to date        Practicing organizational consultant and psychologist (limited part-time)

                             Worked with organizations in the public, private and third sector, specializing mostly in                                        leadership development, gender relations in organizations, promoting women and diversity-                                related issues and gender mainstreaming.

Professional Functions: Editorial Activities


2003 – to date        Ad hoc Reviewer:

                               1. Academic Journals: 

Academy of Management Review; Academy of Management Journal; Applied Psychology: An International Review; British Journal of Social Psychology; Career Development International; European Journal of Social Psychology; European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology; Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal; Gender Work and Organization; Group & Organization Management; Human Relations; International Journal of Manpower; Journal of Applied and Basic Social Psychology; Journal of Individual Differences; Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology; Journal of Organizational Behavior; Megamot: Journal of Behavioral Studies; Organizational Science; Society and Welfare; The Leadership Quarterly; Sex Roles, IP:AR


2. Research foundation and other functions:

Israel Science Foundation (ISF)

Bi-National Israeli-American Science Foundation (BSF)

Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS), Hebrew University

German Israeli Fund (GIF)

Israel Foundation Trustees (IFT)

The Research Grants Council, Hong Kong (RGC)

University of Queensland, Australia (PhD review)

University of Lausanne, Switzerland (Faculty selection Committee)

Open University (Review of courses and teaching books)


Academy of management, 2014, Committee member, for awarding

winner of the ‘OB Division’s Best Paper Dissertation based Award’.  


Academy of management, 2014, Member of liaison committee, for awarding
the ‘Network of Leadership Scholars Eminent 
Leadership Life Achievement Scholar Award’.


Academy of management, 2015, Head of liaison committee, for awarding
the ‘Network of Leadership Scholars Eminent 
Leadership Life Achievement Scholar Award’.


2006 - to date          Editorial Board - Leadership Quarterly (A) (IF – 2.938)
2007 – to date         Consulting Editor – International Journal of Management Reviews
                               (IF – 4.854; ranked 5 of 120 in Business; ranked 7 of 192 in Management).

2007 – 2010            Editorial Board – Academy of Management Journal (A+)
                               (IF – 6.233; Ranked #2 of 120 in Business; Ranked #3 out of 192 journals in Management).

2014--                     Editorial Board Academy of Management Review (A+)
                               (IF -  7.288; Ranked 2nd of 192 in Management; #1 out of 120 journals in Business).

2006- 2010             Founder and first director, Graduate studies special track, 'Gender in the field: Translating feminist theory into social action'.

The Interdisciplinary Graduate Program for Gender and Women Studies, Bar-Ilan University. Head of the practice field

training and course in the program.

2006--                    Head of the Gender in the Field Practice Course for Academia Community.

2007- 2010            Head, Social Organizational Group, The Department of Psychology, Bar-Ilan University.

2009-2011             Head of Committee for PhD Research Conference, The Department of Psychology, Bar-Ilan University.

2010-2012             Member of Ethics Committee, The Department of Psychology, Bar-Ilan University.

2011-2013             Head of Ethics Committee, The Department of Psychology, Bar-Ilan University.

2011- 2013            Member of the Committee for PhD Research Conference, The Department of Psychology, Bar-Ilan University.

2014- 2016            Head of Committee for the Psychology Department Conferences, The Department of Psychology, Bar-Ilan University.



1989                    Rector’s list and Dean’s list for academic excellence, Faculty of Social Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem  

1990                    Dean’s list for academic excellence, Faculty of Social Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

1994                    The Israel Association of University Women Award for research achievements.                                                                

1994-1996           Doctoral Fellowship, The Department of Psychology, The Hebrew University.                                                                   

1995                    Shaine Center for Research in Social Sciences research grant                                                                                           

1997/1995           Levi Eshkol Institute for Economic, Social and Political Research Fund research grant (received twice)                           

1996-1997           Israel Foundation Trustees Research Grant (Ford Foundation)                                                                                           

1997-1998           Israel Foundation Trustees Grant for Dissertation Writing (Ford Foundation)                                                                      

1998/1996           Rosita and Esteban Herczeg Program on Sex Differences in Society Research Award,
                            The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (received twice)                                                                                                         

1998/1996           American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC Israel), Division for Development of Human Resources
                            research grant for promotion of research on Women in leadership positions in Israeli society (received twice)

1998                    The Hebrew University Doctoral Student Grant for presentation in international Scientific meetings and workshops

1999                    Friends of the Hebrew University in Norway Travel Award for participation in the Women’s Worlds,
                            1999 International Conference in Tromso, Norway.

1999                    The British Chevening Scholarship for postdoctoral studies, The British Council, Israel. (I declined this grant)                 

2000/1999           Distinguished Teaching Award, School of Business Administration, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Society
                            (received twice)

2000/1999           Distinguished Teaching Award, Graduate School of Public Policy and Administration, The Hebrew University of
                            Jerusalem (received twice)

2000                    L’Oreal-Rekanati Prize for Leading Research on Women in Management in Israel, Tel-Aviv University School of
                            Business (received for my doctoral dissertation study)                                                                                                        

2000-2001           Lady Davis Grant for Postdoctoral Studies Abroad                                                                                                              

2001                    The Center for Gender in Organizations Travel Award, for invited participation in a CGO Workshop, SIMMONS
                            Graduate School of Management, Boston.

2002                    Women’s Worlds 2002 Travel Award, for participation in the Women’s Worlds 2002 International Interdisciplinary
                            Congress on Women in Kampala, Uganda.

2002                    Honorary Grant for participation in the International Women’s Studies Summer Institute, University of Maryland,              
                            College Park, USA.

2003                    Travel Grant for participation in Educating for the Future: Crossing Borders, Building Coalitions in Graduate
                            Women’s Studies Around The World Conference, Towson, Maryland, USA                                                                         

2003                    Distinguished Teaching Nomination, Bar Ilan University.

2004/2005           Israel Foundation Trustees Research Grant for Young Academics (Ford Foundation)                                                         

2004                    Israel Science Foundation (ISF), Mentoring and Gender, proposal was graded - very good (without funding).

2004                    Dafna Izraeli Grant for the Study of Gender, Bar-Ilan University.                                                                                          

2004                    Travel Grant for participation in Women's Studies Consortium Workshop, Summer 2004, University of Maryland,
                            Maryland, USA.

2005                    Ford Foundation Travel Fund for participation in the Women Worlds 2005 Conference in Seoul, Korea                              

2005                    Best Paper Prize (runner-up) at the International Leadership Association (ILA) Conference, Amsterdam, Holland.
                            (Awarded for the paper 'Motivation and Leadership: The Role of Self Regulatory Focus in Leadership Processes')

2005-2007           Israel Science Foundation (ISF) Research Grant, Leadership and Emotions (2 year grant)                                                 

2006-2007           Halpern Center (for the study of Jewish self-perception) Research group on 'The Consciousness of Leadership',
                            Bar-Ilan University                                                                                                                                                                   

2007-2010           Israel Science Foundation (ISF) Research Grant, Leadership, Motivation and Self Regulatory Focus Theory
                            (3 year grant)                                                                                                                                                                           

2008-2011           Malag Grant for the development and the expenses of the Feminist Practice and Social Activism Course                          
                            I developed and taught.                                                                                                                                                                                  

2008-2009           Chosen as an invited member of the Young Forum of Sciences and Humanities (for excellent young researchers)
                            of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities.

2008                    Finalist for the Leadership Quarterly best article. Center for Creative Leadership Award Finalists for the best article
                            published in the Leadership Quarterly for the 2007 calendar year.

2009                    The Dafna Izraeli Fund. A fund for the organizing of the conference – From Practice to Theory and Back to Practice:         
                            Connections Between Academia and the Field, Theory and Activism.                                                                               

2010                    The Dafna Izraeli Fund. A fund for the organizing of the conference – From Practice to Theory and Back to Practice:         
                            Gaps Between Academia and the Field, Theory and Activism.

2011                    Best Overall Paper Award for the 9th IAMB (International Academy of Management and Business) conference,
                            Florida, USA.

2012                    Scholarly Contributions to Educational Practice Advancing Women in Leadership Award (GDO Division, Academy
                            of Management - AOM, Boston)

2012                    Israel Science Foundation (ISF), Leadership for Safety and Self  Regulation, proposal was graded - very good
                            (without funding).

2012-2013           Malag Grant for the Community-Academia Courses, for the development and the expenses of the Feminist Practice          
                            and Social Activism Course I developed and taught.

2013                    German Israeli Foundation (GIF), Leaders' Responsibility for Employees' Recovery, proposal was graded - very good
                            (without funding).  

2014-2015           Malag Grant for the Community-Academia Courses, for the development and the expenses of the Feminist Practice          
                            and Social Activism Course I developed and taught.

2014-2015           University of Queensland Competitive Research Travel Award for Research Collaborations (Brisbane, Australia).               

2014-2016           Ministry of Science, Grant for Social arrangements for Women’s Equality (The money was granted to Moran                       
                            Anisman- Razin, my former PhD student; at a postdoc in IDC for a collaborative research; Amisman-Razin, Kark & Shagi).

2014                    GIF (Submitted).

2014                    Ministry of Sciences (Submitted).

2015                    Bar Ilan Research Authority Grant                                                                                                                                             

                            After last promotion

2015-2017           Advisor to the Chief Military Officer research Grant for Work-Life Balance (With Ronit Manor, Nethania Collage).                 

2015-2016           Research Grant for Girls in Mathematics, Physics and Computers, Trump Foundation (With the Henrietta Szold Institute)   

2016-2017           Research Grant for Men Supporting Gender Equity in Organizations, Center for Gender in Organizations (CGO),              
                            Simmons College, Boston, MA. 

2016                    Prize - Iconic Leaders in Social Enterprise, ALL Ladies League - Women Economic Forum, Delhi, India.

2016                    Rector Prize for Outstanding Research Achievements among the Research Faculty of the University, Bar-Ilan University,
                            Bar-Ilan University

2016                    Academy of Management Annals Best 2015 Published Article Award (Honorable Mention), for paper on creative
                            Leadership, Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, CA

2016-2017           Gender Affairs Advisor for the IDF chief-of-staff, redesigning work field study, with Kark, R. with Waismel-Manor, R            

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